One shot injection under safe regulation enhanced the skin condition. Boost your skin health with our experienced team of doctors.

Prime Whitening
Down time: -
Time: 10 minutes
Pain level: Minimum
Having a fair and radiant skin is one of many wishes for women. Here at IORA, we make your dreams come true by specializing in whitening treatments such as Prime Whitening. Consists of Vitamin C, Collagen and Glutathione, Prime Whitening injection improves the color of skin tone. It’s a safe procedure with satisfactory results.

Down time: 1 days
Time: 5 minutes
Pain level: Minimum
Keloid is a type of raised scar that often time can grow larger on skin. To prevent it, TA injections through the skin lesion is needed. The same TA injections can also work to cure acne .

Vitamin 1
Down time: -
Time: 10 minutes
Pain level: Minimum
Vitamins are essential to maintain healthy and flawless skin. This Vitamin 1 injection is an ideal and beneficial for those who want to get healthy and brighter skin. It is an answer for all skin needs.

Vitamin 2
Down time: -
Time: 10 minutes
Pain level: Minimum
Periodic injection of Vitamin 2 is recommended to improve the natural and healthy skin. It contains Vitamin C, Collagen, Antioxidant, vitamin for hair and Vitamin B. Vitamin 2 injection is also an ideal and beneficial for those who have acne and inflammation problem.Within a day, skin may look plumper and hydrated.

Vitamin 3
Down time: -
Time: 10 minutes
Pain level: Minimum
A full set of Vitamin 2 combined with Placenta Cell Therapy. This is a great boost for whitening skin, high metabolism, minimize inflammation, overall health and well being.

Placenta Cell Therapy
Down time: 1-2 days
Time: 20 minutes
Pain level: Minimum
The placenta is an epitome of anti-aging treatment. Imported from selected human placenta only, Placenta Cell Therapy is safely registered under FDA from Japan. IORA provide highest quality injection for body to regenerate new cell that turns skin brighter and smoother.