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What's Fungal Acne?

Wita Zella

Acne that we know so far is acne vulgaris with comedo lesions such as blackheads or whiteheads or inflammatory lesions such as papules, pustules and cysts caused by P. acnes bacteria in clogged pores. However, nowadays, the term fungal acne appears and is starting to be talked everywhere. Actually, what and how is fungal acne?

Read the full article below!

What's fungal acne?

Equated with acne in general, another name for fungal acne is pityrosporum folliculitis, which is a skin condition caused by microorganisms or Malassezia fungi that naturally exist and attach to the skin. Furthermore, fungal acne can occur due to the growth of fungi in the hair follicles. Thus, when the fungus invades and enters the hair follicle, a fungal acne is formed.

Characteristics of fungal acne

Looking like a typical pimple, fungal acne lesions usually appear as small round pink papules and sometimes can resemble the whiteheads.

Fungal acne is usually characterized by the following:

  • appear in clusters in adjacent areas

  • has a smaller size compared to acne vulgaris

  • accompanied by itching

  • tend to develop on the upper back, chest, and forehead

In general, fungal acne can look and feel like the regular acne. However, if you feel that your acne has not improved after using the skincare products you normally use, there is a possibility that the main cause is different. Keep in mind, if this condition occurs for a long time, please see the nearest dermatologist for further diagnosis.

What causes the fungal acne?

The main cause of fungal acne is the Malassezia fungus which causes infection and irritation. In addition, fungal acne can also be driven by several factors, including:

  • The climate is hot and humid environment Extreme hot and humid weather is usually felt in countries with tropical climates, including Indonesia. These climatic conditions can stimulate the growth of fungi on the skin, which in turn promotes the growth of fungal acne.

  • Sweating Damp conditions such as wet clothes or over sweating after exercising can be a driving factor for the growth of fungal acne. Therefore, change clothes and clean the body from sweat as soon as possible to avoid moisture. Not only that, tight clothing can also increase the risk of fungal acne.

How to prevent fungal acne?

The best way to prevent fungal acne is to avoid conditions that promote yeast growth, such as hot and humid conditions. So, make sure you wear clothes that absorb sweat, especially when exercising. After finishing exercising, take a shower and dry your body immediately. In addition, limiting sugar intake in the diet can help prevent the growth of fungus.

In conclusion, the main causes of fungal acne with acne vulgaris are slightly different. Fungal acne is caused by the entry of fungi into the hair follicles, while acne vulgaris occurs due to the presence of bacteria in clogged pores. If you find it difficult to distinguish the characteristics, don't hesitate to see a professional doctor to get the proper diagnosis and treatments!


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