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Hyperhidrosis - Causes and Treatments

Excessive sweating is a common condition and can affect the whole body or certain areas. This condition can improve with age but some need help with a certain treatment.

Have you ever felt that your body is sweating excessively? Wet palms, wet clothes on several parts, or excessive sweating when doing light activities are the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. Let's scroll this article to the end to know hyperhidrosis condition.

Knowing Hyperhidrosis

In medical terms, hyperhidrosis refers to a condition where the body sweats excessively. The hyperhidrosis condition is usually most active in the hands, feet, armpits, and groin due to the relatively high concentration of sweat glands. There are two types of hyperhidrosis, namely, focal (primary) hyperhidrosis, when excessive sweating occurs in certain locations, such as palmoplantar hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating of the palms and soles. The other one is general (secondary) hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating that occurs throughout the body.

In some people, hyperhidrosis may be present from birth. Some more may occur over time. However, most cases of excessive sweating tend to start when someone is in their teens.

Hyperhidrosis Symptoms

Hyperhidrosis is defined as excessive sweating that interferes with daily activities. Further, hyperhidrosis is a series of excessive sweating occurs at random times for no apparent reason. Although excessive sweating is harmless, hyperhidrosis does have an impact on the social life or daily activities of individuals. The symptoms of hyperhidrosis include:

  • Wet or clammy palms

  • Soles of feet that are damp or wet

  • Frequent sweating when doing light activities

  • Sweat often makes clothes wet

The Cause of Hyperhidrosis

Actually, sweating is the body's mechanism for cooling itself off. The nervous system automatically triggers the sweat glands when the body temperature is rising. Furthermore, sweating generally occurs when someone is nervous, especially on the palms. The cause of hyperhidrosis is divided into primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary (essential) hyperhidrosis is the most common form where the occurrence is due to the nerves responsible for signaling the sweat glands become overactive, even without being triggered by physical activity or a rise in temperature. When under pressure or nervousness, the sweating can be worse. This type of hyperhidrosis usually affects the palms, soles of the feet and even the face. There is no medical cause for this type of focal hyperhidrosis. This may be hereditary, because hyperhidrosis can run in one family.

As for secondary hyperhidrosis, it usually occurs when excessive sweating is caused by a medical condition. This type is rarely found since it causes sweat all over the body of the sufferer. Some medical conditions that can cause excessive sweating include diabetes, low blood sugar, heart attacks, nervous system disorders, infections and so on.

The Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Immediately see a doctor if you experience:

  • Sweat disrupts your daily routine

  • Sweating causes emotional distress or a low self-esteem

  • Suddenly sweating more than usual

  • Experiencing night sweats for no apparent reason

At IORA Clinic, hyperhidrosis conditions can be treated with pure toxin injection treatment or famously known Botox.

  • Botox for Hyperhidrosis

According to study, Botox is a safe and effective treatment to dissolve excessive sweating. Also, treating hyperhidrosis with pure toxins produces high levels of patient satisfaction. The work of this treatment is involving a special serum injection on the targeted area, it could be the face, underarms, hands, or feet. Botox is proven can block the nerves that trigger the sweat glands. The effect of Botulinum toxin (Botox) is never permanent but typically lasts 6-7 months in sweat glands and repeat treatment has been shown to be effective.

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